我们提供你 免费服务 -无线上网免费接。 -服务管理员在旅客的要求 -铁 加热器 -冰箱 -壶 微波炉 -瓷砖,用于烹饪 -烧烤 -喀山 -肉串 -羽毛球 球 -棋盘游戏 -协助预订旅行团 -协助在叫一辆出租车,转移安排 支付服务 -浴缸 -扫帚 煤 点火 -柴火 -洗衣服的洗衣机 - 支付服务的请求 -早期检查,如果可能的 -晚退房 -转移
*There is a folding armchair in each room. In addition, it is possible to put a cot.
*Children up to and including 5 years old (upon submission of a document) can be accommodated in an extra bed RUB 500 for the entire period of stay (specify in the comments when booking).
*If a family with two children under 5 years old is accommodated in the room, then an additional place of RUB 1500 is paid for one child.
*Children up to and including 5 years old (upon submission of a document) can be accommodated in an extra bed RUB 500 for the entire period of stay (specify in the comments when booking).
*If a family with two children under 5 years old is accommodated in the room, then an additional place of RUB 1500 is paid for one child.
Children up to and including 3 years old can be accommodated in a cot at the price of RUB 500 per stay. Available on request (subject to availability).
浴有你需要的一切:一个舒适的休息区、蒸汽房,所以你可以尝美味凉茶。 后一个热桑拿浴室、浸泡在游泳池,其位于距的浴缸。 快乐和好心情,你会发现,毫无疑问。
Gazebo No. 1
Cozy gazebo with views of the river and mountains. There are lights and sockets in the gazebo. It can accommodate up to 8 people at a table. Rent by the hour- RUB 300/hour.
Barbecue products are sold at the reception: grill, skewers, charcoal, firewood, ignition liquid.
Barbecue products are sold at the reception: grill, skewers, charcoal, firewood, ignition liquid.
Birch broom
Fragrant birch leaves create a natural healing steam that strengthens the immune system. Use a birch broom to eliminate puffiness and relieve pain in joints and muscles.
RUB 200/pc.
RUB 200/pc.
Gazebos No.2-4
Cozy gazebos with views of the river and mountains. The gazebos have lights and sockets. It can accommodate up to 6 people at a table. Rent by the hour- RUB 200/hour.
Barbecue products are sold at the reception: grill, skewers, charcoal, firewood, ignition liquid.
Barbecue products are sold at the reception: grill, skewers, charcoal, firewood, ignition liquid.
The owner's gazebo
The "owner's gazebo" is located in a secluded place, overlooking the river and mountains. There is water, light, sockets in the gazebo, and a barbecue next to it. It can accommodate up to 8 people at a table.
Rent by the hour - RUB 350/ hour.
Barbecue products are sold at the reception: grill, skewers, charcoal, firewood, ignition liquid.
Rent by the hour - RUB 350/ hour.
Barbecue products are sold at the reception: grill, skewers, charcoal, firewood, ignition liquid.
Cast iron cauldron
A cauldron for cooking on fire!
The rent for a single use is RUB 600.
The rent for a single use is RUB 600.
Grill grate (rental)
Renting a grill grill perfectly helps to make not only kebabs on an open fire, but also to roast sandwiches, cutlets, vegetables and other numerous products. Food cooked in nature is more delicious and has its own unique flavor!
from RUB 250/piece per use
from RUB 250/piece per use
Bike rental
Bike STELS Navigator-200 Gent 26 Z010, 26.
RUB 300/hour.
RUB 300/hour.
Bike rental
NOVATRACK 20" TG-20 classic 2.0 bike.
RUB 250/hour.
RUB 250/hour.
Yoga Mat
We offer fitness and yoga mats for rent.
The mat is RUB 200/day.
The mat is RUB 200/day.
Additional cleaning in the room, without changing bed linen and towels.
RUB 200/cleaning.
RUB 200/cleaning.
RUB 200/knitting
Additional cleaning in the room with a change of bed linen and towels.
RUB 400/cleaning.
RUB 400/cleaning.
Towel in the room
Extra towel in the room.
RUB 50/pc.
RUB 50/pc.
Tea made from mountain herbs
Altai herbs are considered unique in their properties, as they grow in an ecologically clean area. There is no such place as Altai anywhere else on earth.
Bed linen
An additional set of bed linen.
RUB 200/set.
RUB 200/set.
We'll wash your clothes
In the washing machine, gentle washing of your things- RUB 400 /bookmark.
In the dryer, gentle drying of your belongings- RUB 400/bookmark.
In the dryer, gentle drying of your belongings- RUB 400/bookmark.
Let's iron your things
Ironing service- RUB 300/one thing.
Delivery (flowers, groceries...) in Chemalsky district.
RUB 900/delivery.
RUB 900/delivery.
- 数字电视
- 平面电视
- 加热器
- 浴室用品
- 水槽
- 淋浴房
- 落地窗
- 景观房
- 露台
- 单独的房间入口
- 无线网络
- 大床房
- 镜子
- 餐桌
- 床头柜
- 衣架
- 折叠扶手椅
- 毛毯
- 水壶
- 卫生间
- 热水器
- 灯
- 小冰箱
- 暖气
- 大厅里的饮水机
- 卫生间
- 公共池塘
- 吹风机
- 禁止宠物入内
- 淋浴
- 山景
- 单人床
- 茶几
- 观景阳台
- 餐饮区
- 河景
- 椅子
- 桌子
- 两间房
- 厨房
- 炊具
- 玻璃杯
- 扁平的餐具
- 微波炉
- 沙发床
- 沙发
- 火炉
- 电冰箱
- 多屉橱柜
- 厨房用具
- 茶具
- 厕所
- 双人床
- 酒吧
- 餐碟套装
- 双层床
- 折叠沙发
- 更衣室
- 椅子
- 梳妆台
- 高高的天花板
- 户外烧烤
- 梳妆台
- 生活区
- 层压板
- 卫生用品套装
- 浴缸
- 扶手椅
- 软垫家具
- 地毯
- 晾衣架
- 两张双人床
- 转角沙发
- 折椅
- 浴盆
- 烤箱
- 推拉门衣柜
- 床头柜
- 客房服务
- 三间卧室
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